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A member registered Jul 26, 2021

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(2 edits)

Me and my friends had a fun time playing on multiplayer! But who's the tall guy in the game?

This is so hot 10/10

Very fun and educational! My kids had a blast!

(1 edit)

The game was fun at first (besides the menu screen that took like two minutes to figure out), but it became frustrating at the last level. It might be me, but the fireball was too hard to get through, everything felt laggy, and I just kept slipping off of platforms and into lava. Also, the ending felt a bit disappointing.

Did the Hamster join Mario Kart at the end?

This game caught me off guard, I thought there was going to be cheap scares here and there, but I actually got scared, especially at the maze part. Might even play again.

It's looks good, but I wish there was more